Addition Studio | Eye Pad: A scented, all-natural eye pillow designed to use during meditation, for sleep, or after yoga to help with relaxation.
Non Verbal | Adaptogenic Calm Bar: A bar infused with Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs to support a feeling of calm, stress relief, and tranquility.
Blume | Reishi Hot Cacao: A creamy, chocolatey, guilt-free hot chocolate. Made with reishi mushrooms and cacao, it supports the immune system and fights off the blues.
Cedar and Myrrh | Organic White Sage: A premium organic white sage incense. Sage has been used by Native Americans for cleansing rituals to purify, attract positive energy, and bring peace.
Ostrichpillow | Heated Neck Wrap: A cozy heatbag made from a soft jersey fabric. Designed to be wrapped around one's neck and shoulders for stress relief.
Saipua | Saltwater Hand Soap: A cleansing, creamy soap that smells like the ocean. Designed to help you feel and smell your best after a long, relaxing shower.